My Nooblet is just plain fucking retarded. No if's and's or but's. But it appears she at least has a genetic reason to be. Since her origins are unknown as an adoptee, I've taken it upon myself to discover what exactly she is. I've always thought her face looked like one of a wild chinchilla as opposed to the domesticated ones you see at petsmart and the breeders. Tonight we were discussing how Nooblet's paws are much more different than BLuhahlahalhaa's making it impossible for her to grab items well in her little hands.
It really appears that my nooblet is a mix breed of the two types of chinchilla's....a little bit of the Chinchilla Lanigera, but more so of the Chinchilla Brevicaudata, an endangered fucking species. If not for looks alone, the chinchilla brevicaudata has a longer gestation period, which makes Nooblet's pregnancy/birthing date more explainable.
Unfortunately I can't find much info on the endangered species, because nobody gives a fuck about the ugly version of the chinchilla (sorry Noobs) and most articles are in spanish. Guess I'll ask the chinch vet in February if I need to be doing anything special for her.