stupid fucking chinchilla

Jul 19, 2010 23:04

So i let the plumpkins play in the bathroom earlier while i was making pat dinner. I cracked the door for a minute to check on them, spied a soaking wet chinchilla, and immediately slammed the door. Chinchillas are like gremlins, you cant get them wet. After putting the food away, i grab the rubber gloves and go in for a further inspection. Apparently Bluhlahalaha fell in the toilet...which of course was full of piss. Out of the 5 years I've had him, he's never once fell in before. But tonight of course, he did. On top of that, after said toilet incident, he decides to take a "dust bath" in the dust house. The dust mixed with the water, and made piss mud....which he then tracked all over the entire bathroom. The toilet, the dust house, the rugs, the floors, the scale...even parts of the wall. Just covered in pissmud. Although you're not supposed to bathe your chinchilla, i had no other option. BLulahallaha did not like his first real bath. He scrambled to be let go, and helicoptered his tail around getting water everywhere. I now have him running around in the ball drying off. And it took me an hour to bleach the fuck out of everything in the bathroom. I'm now off to google to find out how to treat soaking wet chinchilla fur.
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