Well, I guess tonight was "hippin".
swell birthday.
On the left is the funniest guy ive ever met, Brian Striker. On the right is his look-a-like(Monica and I think so), Justin Hazzard.
He's my hero.
The birthday boy.
Emily and Candance(sp? sorry).
Bryan, with balloon boobies. funny.
Jack's ass, sexy. Just realized Monica's in it too, haha.
Yeah, Monica and I ventured to CVS to find streamers and uhh... found the "bean car". Had fun with that, as construction workers laughed at us. Queer.
So overall we had fun, except when they threw my cursive CD, tards.
Break is over soon, and I realllllllly don't want to go back, but there is nothing I can do. I have to deal. Hopefully the weekend will be more eventful than most of this week has been.