May 20, 2010 07:02
I speak no French, only what I know from songs with French lyrics and a tiny bit from high school.
As this went on, and the alleged "wife" got involved, I realized she was using a translator, so I began saying things that I knew were nonsense and would translate even stranger.
I am Lower Decatur.......... (also, this is kinda dumb, but whatever)
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[2:07] Eros Shelbyville: salut tu a un soucis que tu mattack
[2:09] Eros Shelbyville‧: cest pas trop sympas mais bon si sa tamuse pas de soucis
[2:10] Lower Decatur‧: what?
[2:10] Eros Shelbyville‧: ?
[2:10] Lower Decatur‧: non Francias
[2:10] Eros Shelbyville‧: you attack me?
[2:10] Lower Decatur‧: did I? No
[2:10] Eros Shelbyville‧: yes
[2:11] Lower Decatur‧: Non
[2:11] Eros Shelbyville‧: oui
[2:11] Lower Decatur‧: opposite of oui
[2:11] Lower Decatur‧: nyet
[2:11] Lower Decatur‧: nein
[2:12] Eros Shelbyville‧: encore une fois et je te ban!!! tu ne sai pas a qui tu a afaire
[2:12] Lower Decatur‧: no parlay vous francias. Tres bien ensemble.
[2:13] Eros Shelbyville‧: je parle francais si je veu tu na qua apprendre a parler notre langue
[2:13] Lower Decatur‧: I'm an english-speaking person. No idea what you are saying
[2:14] Eros Shelbyville‧: et ne me prend pas pour un noob je sai que tu parle francais
[2:14] Lower Decatur‧: Are those real words?
[2:14] Eros Shelbyville‧: pure combat cest quoi?
[2:15] Lower Decatur‧: 100% pure adrenaline, dude!
[2:15] Eros Shelbyville‧: tu voi que tu parle bien francais!!!!!
[2:15] Eros Shelbyville‧: dude
[2:16] Lower Decatur‧: you lost me after tu
[2:17] Eros Shelbyville‧: ta raison revient plus tard
[2:17] Lower Decatur‧: Tard!? hey, I ain't no tard, fella!
[2:18] Eros Shelbyville‧: va faire dodo tes fatigué
[2:18] Lower Decatur‧: do you suffer from fatigue? Swelling? Itching? Are you an itch-sufferer? Do you scratch in response to itching?
[2:19] Eros Shelbyville‧: dodo lenfant do lenfant dormira bien vite
[2:19] Eros Shelbyville‧: you is fatigue?
[2:19] Lower Decatur‧: I think maybe you are calling me a baby who needs sleep.......Hmmm. "dodo lenfant" Hmmmm.
[2:20] Eros Shelbyville‧: you stupid
[2:20] Lower Decatur‧: go away you silly french person, or I shall taunt you further!!
[2:21] Eros Shelbyville‧: cest toi qui ma attack avec un script
[2:21] Lower Decatur‧: I am going to take words from your IMs and arrange them differently. It'll look French.
[2:22] Lower Decatur‧: Avec un script, c'est attack
[2:22] Eros Shelbyville‧: (2:03 lower decatur vous a bousculé avec un script
[2:23] Lower Decatur‧: bouscule lenfant bien!! Vous vous vous!
[2:23] Eros Shelbyville‧: fuck
[2:23] Lower Decatur‧: ha! Lol
A short pause took place here......
[2:26] Lower Decatur‧: Eros.......I think I have fallen in love with you.
[2:26] Eros Shelbyville‧: laisse moi tranquille
[2:27] Lower Decatur‧: I was sooo gonna say that! You and I....we are meant to be.
[2:28] Eros Shelbyville‧: flutte
[2:28] Lower Decatur‧: I have no response to that
[2:28] Eros Shelbyville‧: laisse moi tranquille!!!!!!!!!!
[2:28] Eros Shelbyville‧: merci
[2:28] Lower Decatur‧: I would like us to get married
[2:29] Eros Shelbyville‧: oui je suis marier
[2:29] Lower Decatur‧: c'est la vie
[2:30] Eros Shelbyville‧: voila merci aurevoir
[2:31] Lower Decatur‧: I am very sad
[2:31] Lower Decatur‧: tres sad. But also kinda impressed that I totally followed that whole last bit.
[2:32] Eros Shelbyville‧: tampis scuse me
So I should probably explain more at this point. I was in an entirely different place from these people who were IMing me. I never saw this person or this next person. is true that I attacked him. But he was collateral damage. Not important.
So this person below started IMing me, saying she was the other guy's wife, in Second Life and Real Life. (I didn't even realize Eros was a guy at that point.)
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[2:31] Vanille Horatio: passe ton chemin laisse mon mari tranquille(Eros Shelbyville)
[2:32] Vanille Horatio‧: ons es marié SL et RL alort trouve toi quelqu'un dauttre
[2:34] Lower Decatur‧: Yes, yes, I got that. Married. But I hold no vows sacred because I am the antichrist and stuff along those lines and of that nature :-)
[2:37] Vanille Horatio‧: Eros and I are married RL and SL alort stp leave him alone! you want to get Married are
plenty of other he're not the only man here on SL
[2:40] Vanille Horatio‧: no matter your religion but I respect you and respect for the married couple leave my husband
alone, we have children enssemble RL and we do not want to come persson like you broke our family alort if you can not
understand this m sorry but go see for yourself and let my husband Elsewhere quiet ok?
[2:42] Lower Decatur‧: You have children assembled in real life and everything?
[2:43] Vanille Horatio‧: you not understand him do not you I'm ME HIS WIFE rl and sl compprend you? alort stp leave him alone
[2:43] Lower Decatur‧: Que?
[2:44] Vanille Horatio‧: yes we have 5 children and we're married 16 years depui
[2:46] Vanille Horatio‧: there are lots of cool boy here alort silteplait let my husband quiet
[2:46] Lower Decatur‧: Cinq? Tres bien. Do you swing?
[2:46] Vanille Horatio‧: yes 5
[2:46] Lower Decatur‧: so that's an affirmative on the swinging then?
[2:47] Lower Decatur‧: know what I mean, wink wink nudge nudge
[2:48] Vanille Horatio‧: not included, you can repeat please?
[2:48] Lower Decatur‧: it's when couples swap partners
[2:48] Lower Decatur‧: for fun and profit
[2:49] Lower Decatur‧: void where prohibited
[2:49] Lower Decatur‧: its how venereal diseases are spread
[2:52] Vanille Horatio‧: Quesques are banned?
[2:52] Lower Decatur‧: Not as far as I know
[2:53] Lower Decatur‧: in order to grow as a human being we must question things. And get plenty of fluids and things like that.
[2:53] Vanille Horatio‧: we're here in belgium!! we are both Belgian legislation does not even sound that dances others countries
[2:54] Lower Decatur‧: I suspect "swinging" and "swapping partners" has been mistranslated on your end and you think I want to square dance and perhaps dos y dos.
[2:56] Vanille Horatio‧: vien tradusction here will be better, has a translator ons
[2:56] Lower Decatur‧: know what I love? I loves me some crepes! Holy good god in heaven, but crepes is good!
[3:00] Vanille Horatio‧: is not sorry, but avand say something like a man trying to savoiur avand are unmarried if his will
avoid in the future to have worries! because all the world will not be as pretty as me!
[3:03] Lower Decatur‧: je vous aime tres bien (That's from a song. It means "I love you very much"....literally "very good")
[3:03] Vanille Horatio‧: :)
[3:04] Lower Decatur‧: I want to hug you and be your closest friend for the rest of my whole life and also afterwards.
[3:05] Vanille Horatio‧: yes
[3:06] Lower Decatur‧: That is so awesome! Do we start now?
[3:07] Lower Decatur‧: Also, I must have the sex with you and your husband in a lurid manner
[3:08] Vanille Horatio‧: yes if you want is no problem, but leaves stp off my husband, because there are so furious it your
reaction it has déconecté
[3:10] Vanille Horatio‧: dropped not even in dreams, ons do not share!
[3:11] Lower Decatur‧: but sharing IS caring! That was on a poster on the wall of my kindergarten classroom, so it cannot be a lie. Don't you care?
[3:13] Vanille Horatio‧: above, it're out of the question you have sex with my husband, not only parsque I'm not
inflectional endings but it will be even moin!
[3:14] Vanille Horatio‧: no no no no
[3:14] Lower Decatur‧: oui oui oui oui
[3:15] Lower Decatur‧: inflectional ending? No no! It doesn't have to be anal!
[3:17] Lower Decatur‧: maybe you and I could have the sexual relations together
[3:18] Lower Decatur‧: and we'll poison your husband for the insurance money and run away to Puerto Rico
[3:18] Lower Decatur‧: we'll be so happy!
[3:19] Vanille Horatio‧: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[3:19] Vanille Horatio‧: no no no & no
[3:20] Lower Decatur‧: you have taken the wind from my sails!
[3:21] Lower Decatur‧: And now my boat, she just floats around, sail-less
[3:21] Lower Decatur‧: well it still has sails
[3:21] Lower Decatur‧: but you know, no wind
[3:23] Lower Decatur‧: basically the boat is a metaphor. I am the boat
[3:24] Lower Decatur‧: and it was a sailboat, you know? So you need wind for that.
[3:24] Lower Decatur‧: did you ever see The Love Boat?
[3:25] Lower Decatur‧: Issac was the bartender for like that whole ship! Crazy, right?!
[3:25] Vanille Horatio‧: écoutte, stopped because you told someone and seeks n'importequoi auttre that my husband and me for
sex, we are concerned we do its not!
[3:25] Lower Decatur‧: Have you ever eaten an entire canned ham? I mean like all at once.
[3:26] Vanille Horatio‧: Isaac?
[3:27] Lower Decatur‧: Yeah yeah yeah! From the Love Boat! He was the only black guy for miles, out on the open seas, serving drinks. And he also has a mustache. For the ladies.
[3:27] Vanille Horatio has ended the unverified conversation
And so now I go to bed, alone again :-(