Thoughts of Games

Apr 26, 2012 10:15

Day of Games is only a couple of weeks away. I'm not sure when I'll have definitively completed the list of the games I'll be taking; at last check, it looked like this.

My process will begin with The Sprawl. I'll take a look at that over the next few days and see if I can come up with a compelling set of love letters. If so, that'll be on offer. I'll also take a look at Geiger World and see if I can finish up some new origin moves for my Aotearoa expansion. If so, that'll be on offer. I need to read the new Dungeon World Beta and give that a run, so if I finish reading that, then that's a possibility too. I'm currently reading Technoir; I'm not sure whether it's demanding that I play it, but it might yet. I may try to get a war movie or two under my belt as prep for The Regiment (I know Steve is keen), but I definitely need to get into the mood for that one first. I'd like to run Monster of the Week, but that will also require another read through and some thought about a Mystery. Finally, I promised drbunnyhops an Apocalypse World game, so I'll probably read through Hatchet City and give that a go. I may also take another look at a half-written scenario inspired by the road trip to Big Bad Con last year.

I forgot to bring my hard copy of Barbaren!, so I think that's out. Maybe for BoD.

the sprawl, geiger world, apocalypse world, dungeon world, the regiment, technoir, day of games, barbaren!, monster of the week

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