Friday afternoon: Day After Ragnarok: ¡Técnicos En Contra De La Serpiente!
Morgan is the master of colour and he runs a mean FATE game. I haven't played in one of his for a while, so I'll kick off with some Luchadore action.
Friday Evening: Space Station Otronto
I don't really know much about Maschine Zeit, but creepy space horror + Jesse is a winning combination!
Saturday Morning: The Wayward Shipment
James runs Mouse Guard white a lot, but I've yet to play in one of his games, or a Mouse Guard game full stop. I've heard a lot of good things about Mouse Guard, but the setting does nothing for me so I've never played it. Last week I had a brief email conversation with Adam Koebel (of Dungeon World fame) about hacking Shadowrun for Mouse Guard, so I'm intrigued, in no small part as background research for CyberWorld.
Saturday Afternoon:
Living Dungeon WorldMy first game, which will involve an epic trek to the Spine of the Gods!
Saturday Dinner: Pann's fried chicken!
Saturday Evening:
CyberWorldAnother playtest of my Apocalypse World hack.
Sunday Morning: Pirates DBG
Rob (@azaroth42) and I are working on a deck building game of fantasy pirates. We submitted an event, but it doesn't seem to have made the schedule. At any rate, we'll probably hit open gaming and rustle up some victims playtesters. If that doesn't happen in this slot for some reason, I'll try to get into James' Cyberpunk Smallville hack: Mona Lisa Overville.
Sunday Afternoon:
I'm holding this slot empty at the moment either to play or provide overflow for Living Dungeon World.
Sunday Dinner: Not the Hotel restaurant again. Dear God.
Sunday Evening:
Living Dungeon WorldThe grand finale session! Two parties of brave adventurers will attempt to save the world!
Monday Morning:
I suspect we'll either be playtesting something, or playing a Living Dungeon World Epilogue for the LDW GMs.
Monday Lunch: Three Flames Mongolian BBQ