The Finest of Threads

Jan 26, 2011 01:45

A.K.A, Red or Blue?

I've read a lot of inspirational stuff recently and I'm slowly percolating and processing it all. Some of it has relatively simple take-away messages; others will require much longer to tease out. Some are interesting to reflect on in a detached manner; others I'd like to really get to grips with and use. Some are linked below; others are not.

Jonathan Coulton: "The Truth:
1. Most of being creative is showing up.
2. Sometimes showing up is the hardest thing in the world to do.

Kevin Smith: "If it never feels like work, it’s NOT work."

Seth Goldin: "Show up."

"Roleplaying games are systems of control." What does that mean? What should it mean at a prescriptive level? Or is it already at a prescriptive level?


introspection, gaming theory

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