The meme claims that this is a list of books made by the BBC of which, the average person will have read six. I'm dubious that the BBC had anything to do with this list, but I'm don't care to check it myself, so I'll lazily indicate my skepticism and move on to the list.
As Mash says, "If nothing else, it's a good way to pick some summer reading
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Looking at thsi list of books, with a couple of exceptions, I found myself generally unstirred by the thought of reading the ones I haven't already read. Like, why would I want to go read so many 'classics'? There seems to be some sort of disconnect for me which doesn't call out for me to read the old masters of fiction.
That said, I found both 1984 and Brave New World interesting dystopia's when I read them, and both made for insightful commentaries on the world to the 18 year old me who read these books.
I should read 1984 and Brave New World at some point though.
(unless, of course, you hate Gregory Peck, because the film is good but it's him that makes it)
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