On day two of the Neoncon trip, time started to fold back on itself. Yesterday morning, which was Friday, I sent an email asking someone how their Friday had been and in the evening I referred to a game we played "yesterday" that we had in fact played today. The spatio-temporal anomalies of both Vegas and Conventions are beginning to take hold
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I usually get in three games a day at a con, so Neoncon was distinctly low on quantity. I only attended one seminar, and most of my games were set up by people I knew and had organised previously, so there wasn't much messing around trying to find games. At least, that explains Friday. On Saturday, the 3:16 game was only a hour, Inspectres was what, two hours? and Houses was two as well, so I played in three games but the only totalled a little over one full-length session. But, that's why I love indie games :D
I'm sure Morgan will run his Airbender game again (his games are usually sufficiently open as to be different every time, so he doesn't get bored with them), and I thoroughly recommend it. I love wuxia but have no knowledge of the Airbender 'verse and I had a great time with it.
Fiasco was perfect. Both accidental murders were a bit of both. In the first, I narrated hitting the doctor on the back of the head I think, then another player turned that into him whacking his chin on a filing cabinet then having said cabinet fall on him. I forget who set the scene and who's narration it technically was... The second was driven by a mid-game twist: "a death after an unpleasant struggle", again, I forget exactly narrated it, a combination of Brennan and I, if I recall, but the panicked violence that led to both deaths was my narration.
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