Cos your friends don't dance

Sep 29, 2008 22:57

On Saturday I attended a Rock Band party at which a number of cocktails were consumed. My creation was up to my usual standard, but on this occasion has a back-story. A couple of years ago, while living in the hood, my roommate and I purchased a number of chili peppers, for shits and giggles. Most were jalapeños, but a couple of were habaneros. One of the latter was sliced and a one third of a sliver consumed by me. Fucking hot, seriously. My roommate consumed an entire slice. Much water was consumed over the next hour. So, we were left with a couple of ricockulously hot peppers and no real use for them, so, obviously, I put them in a bottle with some leftover jalapeños, vodka, sugar and water and left it for a year and a half. To be fair, I periodically checked up on it and in fact tried a little (like 1/3 of a shot in a highball glass topped up with Sprite - which was still preeeeetty hot). Saturday's dangerous cocktail had a double shot of this, a double shot of white rum, a double shot or so of OJ, and a dash of grenadine over a stack of ice in a red frat-house party cup (you know what I'm talking about) and topped with soda water. It was the perfect level of heat. I'm sure the ingredients would be pretty flexible as they were basically only functioning as dillutants. Serve with some sort of cooling dip.
For the record, Rock Band II rocks even harder than Rock Band I, because the tracks and visuals are better, not because of any fundamental change in gameplay.

There were some sports results over the weekend. The most unexpected was probably my fantasy team's crushing of the league leader to almost single handedly bring it back to a three way tie for the lead and to put my team in a three way tie for fourth, only one game back. Yes, that seemed less likely than the USC result, and, of course, I always expect Canterbury to win.

Today it rained on me while I waited at the bus stop. Big solid lumps of water, well spaced. When the first hit me, I thought I'd been hit by one of the Vermont and Santa Monica Metro station's resident pigeons. I actually thought the second hit was a pigeon too, it being more likely that multiple wet drops from the LA sky, even when unusually cloudy, would be shitting pigeons than surprise rain. Two bus tops down the road, the footpath was dry.

In gaming news, I ran a session of Full Light, Full Steam yesterday. The three players and I started a couple of weeks ago with a game choosing and character creation session and after two sessions we just finished the first set of three Conflicts which make up a Situation (what other games might call an adventure). The three characters are: Boswell R Wellington, the Impulsive and Patriotic British owner and Back Seat Captain of the Raleigh, a privateer vessel; The Raleigh's first mate, Daniel "Sparks" Brown, an Reknowned Ex-patriot American Frontiersman; and the ships horticulturalist, Frances Cambell, or rather, the undercover Fiercely Patriotic French spy, Simone (whose last name I forget), a Delicate Flower and Elaborate Storyteller.

When I ran FLFS at BoD, I pretty much ignored much of the meat of the unusual play system, so it's been interesting to play it straight. The Situation generation procedure didn't work particularly smoothly for me on my first try; it seems like it would be a good system for a new GM to use to get the hang of it, but it essentially proceduralises all the things I do when creating an adventure anyway, so I find it got in the way more than it helped. That said, it's an interesting catalyst for thinking about adventure design in a very formal way and about writing a game so that all the things the creator does at the table are demonstrated for the reader.

sport, cocktails, los angeles, roleplaying

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