Training log - Week ending 11/11/12

Nov 11, 2012 14:17

This week was 25 miles of “real running” plus 10 running equivalents on the arc-trainer (call it 35 miles total), plus 16.5 “miles” pool running and 2500 yards of swimming breathing drills -- training log is here
And…we’ll go straight to the breaking news.  I’m a DNS for the Philly Marathon (confirmed after speaking with my coach Sunday morning).  I’ll do a lengthy overanalytical brain droppings post soon, I’m sure, but the shortened version is that the plantar fasciitis in my foot flared up pretty badly after my tempo workout this Friday, despite running the workout short and slow.  As of Sunday, 7 days out, it’s still sore.  I could line up in Philly next Sunday, but I won’t be 100%.  And I don’t want to run a marathon just for the sake of running it, hobble across the finish line in some random time, and then spend an absurdly long time rehabbing a major injury.  I don’t run races just to finish, and I don’t see anything admirable in self-destruction for the sake of a medal.
Plan for now is to go straight into recovery mode.  My full focus now is on getting healthy again, and also using this opportunity to take a rest break - I’ve been training pretty hard since August.  Once I’m 100%, then we’ll start planning next races, and whether to take another crack at a marathon.    But again, that all comes after I’m healthy.
The good thing about running is that, though there are down times, a down time just means the next high point is ahead.

Monday:   In the morning, 50 minutes of easy pool-running, 500 yards of swimming breathing drills, and some upper body strengthwork and injury prevention work.  Foam rolling at night.
Tuesday:  In the morning, 10 miles outside, including 4 miles at MP (7:00, so too fast).  Physical therapy in mid morning.  Foam rolling at night.
Wednesday:   In the morning, 60 minutes of easy pool-running for 6 miles, plus 1000 yards of swimming breathing drills.  Yoga at night, plus foam rolling.
Thursday:   In the morning, 8 miles easy (7:52 pace), followed by injury prevention work and upper body strengthwork, and then physical therapy.  Foam rolling in the afternoon.
Friday:  In the morning, 7 miles on the track, including a cautious 5K tempo in 20:24 (6:34 pace, splits of 6:38, 6:30, 6:29, 0:47).  Pilates at night, plus foam rolling.
Saturday:   In the morning, 60 minutes of easy pool-running and 1000 yards of swimming breathing drills, followed by a massage.  Upper body weights in the afternoon.
Sunday:   In the morning, 80 minutes on the Arc-trainer at easy run effort for “10 miles”.  Yoga and foam rolling at night.

training log

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