Training log - Week ending 7/15/12

Jul 16, 2012 17:36

This week was 58 miles of “real running” and 17 “miles” pool running, plus 3000 yards of swimming breathing drills -- training log is here.  

Ups and downs this week.  I’ve suspected that my asthma wasn’t under control and was still limiting me, so went to a new pulmonologist (one who works with athletes, and so doesn’t ignore anyone who is capable of running 2 miles in a row).  Checked me out, and swapped my meds.  Before I was on Singulair plus an albuterol rescue inhaler.  Now I’m on a drug called Dulera, which only needs one puff and lasts for 12 hours, meaning that I don’t have to worry about timing my puffs right before a workout/race.  
So, tried it out with some trepidation on Friday for our tempo workout, and WOW.  Made a huge difference.     Like ridiculous.  Like I had to keep putting the brakes on as I kept accidentally dropping the pace too much.
[and yes, before you get any ideas, Dulera IS allowed under USATF/WADA doping regs.  I checked….]  
Of course, Friday could have just been a very good day, especially since the humidity wasn't too bad, and humidity is a real trigger for me.  So I was excited to try the Dulera again on Sunday’s long run (because there are some side effects, we’re limiting my use of it to workout days and races, sticking with my old inhaler for the other days).  And then I developed a bad blister on my right foot during Saturday’s easy run.    
It was a hard decision, but I ended up skipping Sunday’s long run in favor of the pool.  This decision brought to you by my bad memories of last year’s blister issue (which resulted in losing about 2 weeks of training, due to a bad reaction to antibiotics), combined with some stiffness and bad muscle knots in my left calf that indicated that the blister was altering my gait.    I REALLY hated to skip, as the long run is my favorite workout of the week and I was really excited to see how it went with the new asthma drugs.    Plus I’m 8 weeks out from my goal half-marathon, meaning that it’s time to start doing some long runs.  But…better one run too few than one run too many. 
So, did a pool-running long run instead, with some sections at “marathon pace” effort.  Apparently my “marathon effort” in the pool looks suspiciously like drowning, resulting in some disruption of my workout by well-meaning lifeguards.  *sigh*.  No one ever thinks I’m drowning on land.
As of this morning (Monday) everything feels good (including the calf), so I’m patting myself on the back for my restraint.   Hopefully I won’t pull a muscle doing so.
Monday:   In the morning, 45 minutes of easy pool-running for 4.5 miles, plus 1000 yards of swimming breathing drills, and then some very light weights work.  Did a 3 mile shakeout at night (8:19 pace) plus foam rolling.
Tuesday:  In the morning, 14 miles including a workout of 8 hill repeats - nonstop circuit of up a hill for about 2 minutes, a 90 second easy jog, a stride, and then some more easy jogging to the bottom (whole circuit takes ~5 minutes).     Followed with injury prevention work and 25 minutes of easy pool-running.  Floor barre and foam rolling at night.
Wednesday:   In the morning, 11.5 miles very easy (8:11 pace) and then a yoga class.  Later, did another 4.5 miles easy (7:47 pace).  Foam rolling and stretching at night.
Thursday:   In the morning, upper body strengthwork and injury prevention exercises, followed by 50 minutes of easy poolrunning for “5 miles” and 600 yards swimming breathing drills   Foam rolling and stretching at night.
Friday:  In the morning, 13 miles, including a tempo workout of 2x2 miles plus a bonus mile, with 800m jogging recovery (plus water break).  Splits were 12:37 (6:29/6:08), 12:26 (6:18/6:08) and then 5:58.  Foam-rolling in the afternoon.
Saturday:   In the morning, 11 miles easy (8:02 pace).  Upper body strengthwork plus stretching and foam rolling in the afternoon.
Sunday:   In the morning, a pool-running “long run” of 1:40, going for the equivalent of 4 miles, 3 miles, 2 miles, 1 mile at marathon pace, split by “1 mile” recoveries.  Right leg cramped up on the 2 mile rep, so I skipped the last “mile” so as not to injure myself in the pool.  Followed with 1400m of swimming breathing drills.    Hot yoga and foamrolling in the afternoon.

training log

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