Вот, по просьбам трудящихся, так сказать, раскопал одну вещь, которую сотворил классе в восьмом или девятом - точно не помню.
Предыстория: как-то на уроке английского в международной школе во Франкфурте-на-Майне, мы читали Кэролловского (уж простите, если неправильно написал: я постоянно путаю написание фамилий Кэролла и Кэррола...) Бармаглота. А заодно и ту часть Алисы в Зазеркалье, где Шалтай Балтай объясняет Алисе значение знаменитого четверостишья:
Варкалось, хливкие шорьки
Пырялись по наве,
И клюкотали зелюки,
Как мюмзики в мове.
(к сожалению, помню только русскую версию - английская уже забылась)
Итак, читали мы это всё, собственно, по причине того, что в то время мы изучали различные приёмы, используемые поэтами при написании своих творений. Темой того урока было "изобретение слов", чем, соответственно, изобилует вышеуказанное стихотворение.
После прочтения и анализа нам предложили написать "свои версии" Бармаглота. В то время я ещё ходил под впечатлением "образования о наркотиках", которое нам дали на другом предмете (назывался этот предмет Advising...но это уже совсем другая история). И вот, что из этого вышло...
Needle Mocky
‘Twas tripping and the slirty hobs
Did snort and crumble all day,
And in the flicks and city mobs
They barfed over the tray.
“Beware of Needle Mocky, friend!
The AIDS that bit, the organs rot,
And then that’s it - you’re at the end,
And you cannot untie that knot.”
But he took medic kit in hand
And pulled his gloves high up his hands,
But all that stuff came into puff,
‘Cause all of them died on his hands.
“So, have you slain it? No? OK.
It’s still OK, if you have tried.
Forget it now, let’s get some chow,
Then go to pub to get some snub.”
He snorted last time in his life.
He lived to see his big mistake,
‘Cause when his dad knew about that,
He chopped him with a rake.
‘Twas tripping and the slirty hobs
Did snort and crumble all day,
And in the flicks and city mobs
They barfed over the tray.
…”Excuse me, sir. Could you explain me the meaning of one poem?” Alice asked Humpty Dumpty. Actually, Humpty did not look OK today, but there was no one else to ask.
Humpty raised his red swollen eyelids with such an effort that it seemed that he would soon burst and sniffed some more brown powder. His red nose now covered two thirds of his white face.
“OK… Thhhen out with it!” he finally managed to say after long mumbling. Alice began to recite:
‘Twas tripping and the slirty hobs
Did snort and crumble all day,
And in the flicks and city mobs
They barfed over the tray.
“…OK. Enough: there are too many words already,” Humpty interrupted. “So, which words do you want me to explain to you?”
“Well, first - the word tripping,” said Alice.
“Don’t you know it? Here, take this. Gulp it up and you’ll understand what it means,” along with these words Humpty handed her a little colorful package. Alice wondered what that should be.
“OK, next one,” Humpty interrupted her thoughts.
“Well, next one is slirty hobs,” said Alice, fearing that she will get the same answer as last time.
“Well, slirty is a bunch of words stuck together. It means slow, sleepy, slimy and dirty, and hobs means a bunch of hobos,” explained Humpty. “Next!”
“Next ones and snort and crumble,” replied Alice.
“What?! You don’t know snort? To snort is to sniff something. Like what I am doing now. To crumble is to creep around, crunch something and mumble. Next!”
“The last one is flicks,” said Alice, fearing that Humpty will get mad again.
“Well, I think, flicks are some kind of cheap movies or cinemas,” Humpty replied thoughtfully. At that moment Humpty’s face became green and he barfed all over the wall with some brown liquid.
“Thank you very much. Now I understand much more. Goodbye,” said Alice and ran into the wood, getting out her shotgun from under her white skirt, because she saw the white rabbit jumping around the glade.
“That idiot again!” said Alice aiming at the rabbit…
(с) Анарх
Я вот всё думаю: может стоит это всё на русский перевести? А с другой стороны, действительно - стоит ли оно того?...