Jun 03, 2010 14:02
I am playing a lot of Diplomacy on the internet. This is fun. It entertains me; I am keeping up with it. This is a good sign, even though I was depressed last night and slept with the lights on. Sleeping with the lights on is worse for depression overall, I'm sure, but better for the moment because I am not in the dark.
I am living in an apartment with my cat. I have a lot of coffee but it is really shitty coffee because it is the cheapest of all the cheap coffee. The cat likes biting, but I love him anyway. He will have more freedom in a week when my allergic roomie leaves and this will hopefully put him in a better mood, which will put me in a better mood. I still need to find an apartment for the school year. People on craiglist are not good at responding to emails. I kind of just want to live at home but what about the cat?
Scarlett O'Hara barbie is sitting on my dresser. This is good. The cat is not currently sitting on my dresser, but sometimes he is. This is bad. The cat is playing with a bobby pin right now. I hope he doesn't choke.