So friends of mine fell in love, and got married. At first his family seemed awesome, but it turned out, that they're not. So much so that they've harrassed, bullied, and well, now they want to basically have the female of the two deported back to the US (they moved to his homeland of australia) with her two girls, so they can keep her husband, and baby son under their control freakish thumbs. They're even trying to ruin her reputation, etc. How kind. So to get their story out there, they've created a blog for all to read. PLEASE read it, comment if you wish, and pass it on to as many people as you can, and have them pass it on. Email it, post it on twitter, facebook, myhell, etc. Make this viral! It'll make it harder for the family to lie to immigration, etc, if everyone knows that they are indeed together, and so forth. Plus this level of cruelty is just wrong! Thanks for reading!