Mar 27, 2007 17:10
isn't high school suppossed to be over?
Alex came over yesterday with some weed and a little drunk. He told brittney's friends that he was trying to get me fucked up, because he needed to find out if "I bashed his brother"
i didn't know of this until i left with him to his house, i was talking to his roomates while he was outside talking to anthony and evan...who knows what bullshit he told them. Apparently he likes to start shit.
i came back home and brittney told me what Alex had said, i got really mad 1)because she didn't tell me sooner 2) because Alex is an asshole...
i locked myself in my room
Alex came over with his friend to "check up on me" my roomates told him i was sleeping.
I just woke up from a nap induced by my english homework, and i see Alex texted me..."wanna get blazed?" some people need to give up
This neighborhood is worse than melrose place, everyone wants to be in everyone's business. They're supposed to act more mature than me after all they're older than me and they think i'm a child...never will i ever feel immature around them again, that was a mistake.
i did terrible in my chem test...*sighs*
things to look forward to:
summer job(i got it!!!)
El salvador
my hopefully new summer body
dinner with rory and liz =/