Jul 09, 2004 17:37
i'm really quite botherd by the fact that as women we're supposedly created with only hair on our scalps and are perfectly smooth angelic fresh skinned angels every where else.
i have hair dammit! i don't want to look like some pre pubescant 12 year old, it worries me how conditioned we are too see hair as undesirable, and how even though i'm aware of it i conform
it's totally bizarre. people act as if their offended when they see underarm hair, and yet that how we're fucking well made!
actually thats how i feel about nudity, as animals thats what we look like. we are all naked, and yet its so god damn shocking. People can't seperate the naked body with sexuality. the body is just... your body. you can jump around with it and dance and thats what it does. why are we all so scared of it?
just.. a few random thoughts.