Oct 13, 2006 23:42

Today was Friday the 13th.

...and I completely forgot.

Oh well. On the brighter side of things, today was also payday, so I took advantage of my newfound -- and extremely limited -- wealth to purchase a few more pieces I'll be needing for my Halloween costume. And next year, I've decided to go as The Gunslinger, complete with bandaged fingers and all.

I also took advantage of this most glorious of paydays, which just happened to be my day off, to take myself out to a movie. I'm a cheap date when I'm by myself, and I'm also quite easily amused, so I went to see Employee of the Month. It was entertaining, but oh-so-very predictable. These types of comedies can be broken down as follows:

-Establishment of key characters, including protagonist, protagonist's friends, and antagonist.
-Introduction of potential love interest for protagonist.
-Antagonist's challenge to protagonist vis-a-vis love interest.
-Build-up of antagonist's resistance to challenge.
-Momentary destruction of pre-established alliance with protagonist's allies.
-Near loss of love interest.
-Re-establishment of status quo (Deus ex machina).
-Happy ending.

Watch for that formula next time you see one of these kinds of movies, though I'm sure you've all witnessed it before. But still, it's fun to watch it in action, especially when you know when those key points are supposed to occur.

But that's enough of me for tonight; I have some Merlot I need to finish.
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