(no subject)

Apr 30, 2015 17:09

My oldest, bestest, most loyal friend in the world is in the hospital right now. Its pretty serious. But much of this story isnt mine to tell, it's hers. All I can talk about is my own experience. Im noticing some things....

1) Im careful not to sugarcoat tje situation, not to minimize the grief. Its heavy shit we're dealing with, and there is no one single way to make it all right.

2) Its essential to be positive,to reflect back the best of her, to be my best possible person while theres time for me to be here. In some ways, Im a better person than I think I am. But this is emotionally expensive no matter how willing I am.

3) The rage, the grumpiness, the anger it simmers where I cant stand to look at it, and Im constantly tempted to pick a fight witha anyone available, evem just myself. The only way to avoid these evitable battles, is to notice without passing judgement.

4) Getting older means saying goodbye. Eventually Im going to be the one leaving. Each time this happens, it feels like practice for when I'm the main event. Until that time? None of this is about me.
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