Sep 22, 2005 05:15
This time I managed to wait til after my desk shift was over to write in this thing. I figure I still have over 12 hours of sleep available to me, so I'm not too worried about being tired for Bio. On that subject, it took me 30 minutes to finish my Bio exam, and that's a good thing because it means I knew everything.
The desk shift was uneventful, which was good since there was a fire alarm during the shift before me. That brings the total up in the vicinity of 8, I believe. 3 of those were in the last 3 nights, and I believe, but don't quote me on this, all 3 were pulls. Damn frats.
Now to get some sleep, as Eric is not currently what one would consider awake. Anne and Shen (the current third roomie) are also not asleep yet, silly them. Then again... I shouldn't talk.