Apr 22, 2007 21:15
Another gloriously beautiful 23C day.
Another great, albeit shorter, bike ride, this time solo.
Picked up only two things at the local grocery store: cream cheese and frozen berries. One for bagels, the other eaten with yogurt.
Went to Value Village and found no less then FOUR yoga-style pants. I bought two navy and two grey (the only colours they had), in two different sizes. One size for now, and one size for when I GO DOWN A SIZE!!! And I so will. I may not have lost any weight at all this weekend, but I feel . . . tighter. It's a good feeling.
I just spent the last hour and a half washing my windows with Pine Sol and vinegar. I so love it when window panes disappear! *G* This is good. Spring cleaning has begun!
Now, if these gorgeous beautiful warm days continue, I am planning on taking a bike ride EVERY DAY, and then going for a walk with Marg, who desperately needs to get out of the house. She has asked me to paint her only window (a ceiling window) black to keep out the light. I have to keep the living room window curtains closed because the meager light during the day hurts her eyes while she lays in her bed with a very dark towel over her head. This had been going on for MONTHS. I think she's fighting, with every ounce in her, from getting better. Because getting better just feels too damn hard right now. She's just going to have to DO IT. Get out of bed, put on some clothes, take as much pain medication as she needs (personally, I'd rather be high, than in pain), put her arm in the sling (for her dislocated shoulder) and just DO IT. Leave the house. Go out. Put on the sunglasses, and the Tilley hat I found for her at Value Village for $30. OMG! She has all she needs to just DO IT. And by golly I will NOT live with an uberly depressed person when I, myself, am struggling to get out of it. Dammit.
And I'm thinking of truncating my tags list. I think I have way too many. Too many repeats that really don't need repeating.