I'm going in a really positive direction with my life. Trying, anyway. I had a good week. Wednesday I faced something that really made me breathe a sigh of relief and smile. Explanation unnecessary, the bottom line is it was very good.
Last night I drove down to Mansfield, PA to see my favorite singer
Ryan Star open up for David Cook. That was long overdue. Hung out with Michelle (long time Stage friend, Ryan's tour manager) for most of the night, saw Ryan perform amazingly as usual, said my hellos and good wishes and headed back home. I'm so glad I did it. It's such a deep connection for me, one that only the people who have been converted into Ryan Star fandom can even begin to understand. Some things are just good for your heart and soul <3
(As a photo note for the last entry: my hair is black with a streak of fuchsia in the front and it's soooo cute)
I think I am doing very well in helping myself find happiness lately. I'm making a point to try and understand myself and what makes me happy, and the things that bring me down. This is a personal journey for me and this is the only place it is really documented. I write in here for myself, and only leave it public as an opportunity for people who may not know or understand me to see a little more than what I can give when I'm out.
*shrug*. I'm too sleepy to think anymore. I'm staying in this weekend. I have to work all weekend and it's very difficult for me to work a weekend shift if I'm even remotely tired. Going to spend some good time with Christopher and Star, maybe watch some movies! It will be awesome.