Hello year 2009, please don’t suck as bad as 2008. Last year was one of the worse, mostly because of school and other dramas.
Mr. Larcko has got to be the worst English teacher ever! He’s a really nice guy but mygosh the work load is unbearable.
Read “The Scarlet Letter” chapters 1-8 and answer the questions,
Build a model,
Read these two short stories and write a five page report about the symbolisms.
All will be due in the next three days. It was terrible! Every day that man would spew out assignments and it’s not like they taught you anything. It was mostly reading comprehension.
And on top of that I had other classes to worry about too. Plus a college class every Monday after school which was all reading and writing.
She wanted to die so bad so many times that year. And she’s decided on a better way of suicide, car crash. On the way home from school there were many days that all she could think about was instead of going home just keep driving out into the middle of the desert or up to the mountains and just speeding head on into a rock or something… Death would be almost guaranteed and it wouldn’t be as bad as finding your “loved one” with a slit wrist or something… The last grading period was the worst. She was so she was going to fail all her classes. English because of the obvious, Math because she sucks at it and had lost all her notes (thank god Mr. Gulick found them!),Fashion because the teacher never had what she needed for projects so instead of sewing she used that time ether for herself(to draw and what not) or did math and other classes work, Culinary arts because she skipped that class all the time to go home early and work on other things and history because on top of all Larcko’s crap she had little time to write all the easy. IN the end she somehow managed to pull it all off and get most everything turned in. She’s a little more confident in what her grades are going to be but still is a bit worried (has yet to get that final report card…)
With no time to do anything but homework everything suffered, mostly her mental health and art work. Plus she had to stop going to the gym. She plans on starting up again over the summer or maybe during this semester. She really needs to get back into shape…not that she was really ever in shape, but she certainly has gained weight and her confidence that she gained by going to the gym have been lost. Her eating habits were pretty bad too. She ate a lot because of depression and stuff like that. Since April she has missed her period five times at least. Again it makes her happy in an odd way to know she’s not well.
On a school related positive note she took the ACT in October. Her score was 19 over. Not bad but not what she wanted. The good news is the college she wants to go to(‘The Art Center’ in Albuquerque) said that because she scored so high in read and language that she wouldn’t have to take a placement test to get into the school (still has not applied to go but this is good news!) She plans on taking the test again and see if she can’t get better, but for now those scores will due. Still on the positive note, she won 100 dollars in a Christmas card contest at school! Her card was made into smaller copies and sent out to people in the community. She was pretty darn happy about that.
Back to the drama. Lorenzo isn’t letting up. He even kissed her on the neck when she gave him a hug. Luckily her hair was in the way so she just pretended to notice and he’s pretty much is acting like it never happened. Argh! She doesn’t like him! Not like that!! She doesn’t like going to his house to hang out anymore because he’s always getting really close to her face and crap like that… It not right at all. He’s like her little brother (even though he’s older.. but still) He’s a sweet guy but it’s getting to where she can’t stand to be around him. He copies her when she meows and pets her head and hair.. He’s tries to get real close to her and is a bad flirt even though he doesn’t think anyone notices. There were even rumors going around school that we had sex.. -_-;;
On another guy related note she found out (a while back actually) the Nathaniel likes her. This is the guy that in 8th grade told her that she should play on the football team as a lineman because she was so fat. However her guess is that he really doesn’t like her as much as he thinks he does. She gets the feeling that he’s on the rebound from Jade. Jade also told her that he was desperate and that she and Josef had been talking about hooking us up, because apparently she is lonely… Don’t think so but thanks for the thought… I think…
It’s not too bad because she never really saw him. There for a while he texted her none stop. It was really annoying. Just like being with emo boy again. He always wanted to ask real personal questions and play truth or dare. Dear lord how she HATES that game!! Finally he asked to see nude pictures. Well Kikyou told Jade about that she and Josef got onto him.(Thank you Jade and Josef) After that he stopped texting her and apologized. Hasn’t texted her since thank god. Kikyou thinks Jade and Joe where more upset about the picture thing then she was… Maybe because she use to perverted guys asking dumb things…
If you recall for her last post she talked about a friend from Gaia be the username of Leingods. Well we had been “dating” or something like that. Though I don’t really think of it a dating because our conversation (aside form role play where we battled) consist only of things like ~Cuddles him~ *hugs her* etc
If you want to call that dating go ahead but that’s not her idea of what it should be…anyway He sent her a letter a few days ago that said “Hun email me. There is something we need to talk about” So she sent him an email on yahoo and Gaia, but he hasn’t been back online since then. She gets the felling this isn’t a “good” talk. He’s probably going to break it off with her or something like that but it matters not. Just as long as they can remain friend s and still RP. Her other friend (the one she mentioned on her DA journal) still hasn’t replied to her message and she began to feel like she’s losing all her fiends. Well not all… She still has Kagome and some other in the real world, but all her Role playing partners have seemed to stop talking to her... It’s very sad she gets so lonely.
School starts again on Tuesday. Joy.(sarcasm) Hopfullyu this year want suck as bad. Her classes aren’t all that hard. She has Economics, Mentorship with Mrs. Paradeso an art teacher, Creative Writing, and AP Art, so there shouldn’t be too much home work. Next year all that she’ll have to take two more electives, graduated, and apply for scholarships and colleges. She’ll probably get a job next year and start saving up. She feels pretty much worthless as a human and is not looking forward to being tossed out into the “real world” but she sure can’t wait for this hell to be over
Well that’s about all she has to say right now…