Jan 10, 2004 00:53
I loved today.
My day was great. I was feeling a little down lately and this just made up for it. School was okay. Work was actually fun. Mostly because a certain person wasnt working and my manager who i love was working. Highlight equals him tripping and dropping a shredder, priceless. Also i got my paycheck and i got time and a half for working new years day!! Almost 11 dollars an hour!
Now the amazing part. I wasnt planning on doing anything after work. I come home, talk to my mom for a minute and we go get dinner.
Why I love my friends.
We get back and i'm walking upstairs and who is sitting in my living room? Megan and Mike! Aww. So i eat really quick and we head out. Went to see Scott Ducey at work and picked up a few items. Left there and drove around for a little bit. Called BRETT EDEKER!!! I love this kid. love love love him. We meet up and go to steak n shake. Walk in, who is there? Alex, Becca and their crew. Talked for a few, very exciting. Andrew comes in, and so did Chris Melka. Wonderful. I had not seen Brett in so long. I miss him and physics. That class was so great. So we hung out there for a while and talked and it was so much fun. Brett is such an awesome kid along with megan and mike. I dont want things to change, I want to stay this way forever. I dont want to go to school or work, I just want to see my friends. I actually have a core little group of friends that are awesome.
Tonite made me so happy. I love my friends. Love them. I'm so happy i got to see brett. Man, i miss the physics days and the physics field trip. That was the most awesome trip in disguise. Ahhh, sometimes life can be pretty fucking great.
So tomorrow, I am not working and Alex and I, are going to go to lennox. I am very excited about this. I'm going to go blow all my money. Fuckin a. Urban outfitters will be the death of me.
I also got my package in the mail from julie today. I was scared, i didnt know what it was i was getting. Fun.
It sounds like people are walking in my basement... creepy.
I drive a little recklessly and i'm thinking i should stop. Too fast around curves, cutting people off, too fast in general, stopping to close, squeezing through small spaces, etc. Actually, that is what makes me the best fucking driver ever.
Man, I loved today. You made my entire month.