Jan 14, 2005 01:15
from Stargirl, Jerry Spinelli
"In that moonlit hour, I acquired a sense of the otherness of things. I liked the feeling the moonlight gave me, as if it wasn't the opposite of day, but its underside, its private side, when the fabulous purred on my snow-white sheet like some dark cat come in from the desert."
"We discovered the color of each other's eyes."
"This was the start of a period that blurs as I try to recall it. Incidents seem to cascade and merge. Events become feelings, feelings become events. Head and heart are contrary historians."
"She was the opposite of cool; she held nothing back."
"She laughed, and the desert sang."
"She was bendable light: she shone around every corner of my day."
"And there was more to her seeing than that. What she saw, she felt. Her eyes went straight to her heart."
"When a Stargirl cries, she does not shed tears, but light."
"The echo of her laughter is the second sunrise I awaken to each day, and at night I feel it is more than stars looking down on me."
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
and still, the heart burns in yearning
though it shies its eyes from companionship
even in shade
a flower reaches to the sun