1. What do you wish you had been named?
i'm pretty happy with my name. i can't picture myself with any other name. i'm laura. or "the" laura, if you wish.
2. What is the nickname most people call you?
most people call me laura. nigel has some ridiculous pet names for me. some cute, some ridiculously mind boggling. ie: "how you doin', my little can of corn?"
3. Do you plan to change your name when you get married?
yeah. i think i will. my only concern is changing my signature, which i've had since i was like 14.
4. If you could become any age you wanted, right now, what age would it be and why?
i don't mind being 23. it's a pretty good age. i wouldn't mind being 18 again for a like, a day, just so i could enjoy having tiny boobies again.
5. Why is (insert your favourite colour here) your favourite colour?
yellow. or green. cuz they're such fantastically cheery colours and they remind me of summah.
6. If your first choice of careers doesn't work out, what would you choose as a "backup”?
7. What holiday could you easily do without?
easter. really. i never do anything, i can't eat any of the chocolate, and every easter i get some manner of crippling cold. my easter cold is right on schedule this year.
8. Assuming you have a crush on somebody, what is it exactly that you like about him/her? If you don't have a crush, what is the one quality that the person absolutely has to have?
a fantastic sense of humour and empathy.
9. What singer or band can you imitate the best?
sometimes when i listen to her a lot, i can sound like emily haines.
10. If your life were a book, what genre would it be?
it'be linda like a chuck palahniuk book. outrageous plot, over the top characters, lots of seemingly useless information which oddly enough comes in handy when you'd least expect it. and nestled in all of that is a sweet little love story.
11. Do you worry about finding your soul mate and getting married?
i used to. now i'm kinda just letting things ride.
12. If you could choose how to die, how would you?
maybe just in my sleep. yeah i'm boring. shut up.
13. If you were the opposite sex for a day, would you have sex with somebody of your former sex? Why/why not?
boy howdy. i think it'd be neat. i've always wondered what a blow job feels like.
* * *
Type of chocolate: dark. bernard callebaut.
Eye colour: green. love them green eyes
Dog breed: missy.
Period in history: probably the renaissance.
Word to use when you want to sound smart: semanitics. it's a fun word.
Candle scent: some kind of fruity mango goodness, or cinnamon buns
Method of communication (in person, telephone, etc): face to face.
Language: pick please me, mr...kurns.
Famous painting: that one i did when i was on mushrooms. we'll it's not so much a painting as an oil pastel drawing. and it actually looks like shit. but the reason i like it is cuz i thought it was such a masterpiece when i was high.
Weather: cool in the morning, warm and balmy in the day. then warm enough in the evening to sit on my deck, put on some tunes, nod my head and sip a beer.
Summer activity: hide and seek
Winter activity: curling into a ball underneath about five blankets and sipping cup-a-soup.
Computer game: diablo 2. the one with the expansion pack. don't judge.
Boredom-buster: reading cookbooks. no. seriously.
Newspaper comic: usually bizarro. it's the only one that can make me laugh sometimes.
Section in a bookstore: cookbooks/health and nutrition.
Sex/romantic scene in a movie: everything in secretary. maggie gyllenhaal is one of the girls who could make me full on gay.
Elvis or Madonna? young elvis.
Green or red? green.
Sci-fi thriller or trashy romance? when they're both combined, it's a thing of beauty.
Martial arts or yoga? yoga for now. but soon, nigel and i are going to practice holds and breaks on each other. he wants me to be able to defend myself. what a gem.
Lollipop or Hershey's Kiss? lollipop.
When you sleep, bedroom door open or closed? usually open. unless i'm staying at a stranger's house.
Jacket or sweatshirt? yes and yes.
Radio or CDs? cds.
Recliner chair or cushion on the floor? curled up on a single couch cushion with a throw pillow and some kind of blanket.
Bunk bed: Only on the bottom. Too scary to be up top.
Handwriting or typing? i tend to handwrite more often lately. i need to practice making neater printing.
Chicken Soup: miso soup for this girl, please!
Ballet or jazz? ballet. i took ballet for a brief period of time. i kinda wish i still did.
* * *
Where is your cell phone? purse
Describe your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/lover? red
Your hair? cute!
Your mother? overbearing.
Your father? diplomatic
Your favourite item? castironfryingpan. (it's one word if i say it's one word)
Your dream last night? cliff
Your favourite drink? agua
Your dream car? orange
The room you are in? cold
Your ex? hippie
Your fear? failure.
What do you want to be in 10 years? overseas
Who did you hang out with last night? nigel
What you're not? tall
The last thing you did? sip
What are you wearing? comfies
Your favourite book? vegan
The last thing you ate? nachos
Your life? bouncy
Your mood? sick
Your friends? awesome!
What are you thinking about right now? juice
Your car? feet
What are you doing at the moment? sittin'
Your summer? scrumtrilescent!
Your relationship status? squishy.
What is on your TV? black
When is the last time you laughed? morning
Last time you cried? monday
School? meh.