
Feb 11, 2007 22:03

*gives self chocolate-covered almond*

sushi party. 12:30 until the food ran out. Which was a little less than an hour later. There was seriously so much food too. Like insane amounts.
rolled sushi from 10:30 or so (when things were cut/cooked enough to start) until 1.

Got a mini!piano!concert.
nikoniko da yo, ima made. やっぱりピアノは一番!

they signed; there is a house.

fried up an egg sandwich for dinner around 3;
left for church at 4
home around 8 (because the 7 o'clock bus was early or something--at any rate, not there at 7) so I had to wait for half an hour in the cold (but not as cold as last week!).

then home, and bread because i was so tired of the idea of making food.
then a stillesprite ga tsukute kureta blue-berry muffin wo itadaita.

Also sometime in there I cleaned part of the bathroom and the living room. And finished the business Japanese takehome midterm originally due monday (but I just read an email saying that it's now due on Wednesday, in case the weather is bad)

I hate the cold. But snow makes it ok.

yesterday I read a decently amusing romance novel of aliza's. i liked the horde of incubi. They were funny. and revolted because they were tired of being sex objects.
"I like horses. You can ride them and they never ask to ride you back."

looking for music recommendations, especially those with fun/interesting music videos. ideas, anyone?

food, hoya saxa, weather, church, homework, america 2, japanese

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