one down, one to go

Oct 25, 2006 14:18

It wasn't as bad as it could have been, and it was certainly a lot shorter than I thought it would be. Witholding further judgements until I get my grade back.

to-do list for the weekend all pretty. so much to do, so little time. But i'll get all of friday for once.
Going home. Thursday.
Oh, to have a winter coat. And maybe I won't have to do my own laundry...(oh, the possibilities).

gonna skip my thesis class because it's incredibly unhelpful as far as writing my thesis goes and because it takes up a lot of time I could be using to study for my second Japanese midterm of the day. Maybe i'll just start skipping it all the time. If i had those 2 hours to put to use actually doing research or writing, I might even be done by now.


lx or bastardizations thereof, mi familia, class, america, homework, japanese, school

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