it's amazing

Oct 21, 2006 10:46

how very few restaurants are open at 9:30 (am) on a saturday.

practice GRE'd.
anyone want to volunteer to teach me 7th grade math? I remember most of my geometry equations, but that addition and subtraction is tricksey. and, yeah.
what? no more analogies starting next year? good thing I'm taking it this year But I'm good at analogies. I don't even always need to know what the words mean.

what will i eat today...?

it's sunny and pretty, but oh, so cold.

i was apparently, very angry in japanese last night. doushite kana.

work, yesterday, all day. but later than usual because I sat in on 辻岡先生’s 1st level Japanese class. They're so cute and know a surprising amount. 辻岡先生 made me introduce myself and had the kiddies ask me questions. 大森先生 let me pretend not to exist. Now I just have to write that paper.

my sister called me and made me pick out underwear over the phone. Then we played rock-paper-scissors (over the phone) without hands to determine who got the 5th pair.
annie wiped out into a puddle of dirty water and damaged both her knees. poor the annie.

language partner stood me up, and as he's lacking a cell phone (last i saw him, several weeks ago), it's hard to get in touch with him.
CVS, dinner, came home and died for a little. I was awake, but i'm not sure I qualified as conscious. 嵐のさくらさけmade me better, and then...then what did I do? not entirely sure, but at some point I cleaned the bathroom.

Waiting for Grey's to download but then annalisa and I watched half of tatta hitotsu no koi and went to bed instead.

food, tv, class, america, japanese, annie, lx or bastardizations thereof, eikaiwa, baito, mi familia, the pretty, weather, homework, sleep, the jianjian

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