i love long weekends~

Oct 09, 2006 01:03

but they totally screw with my sleep cycle. Like, I should have been asleep half an hour ago (if i wanted to keep my cycle going), but since I haven't been going to bed on time the past 2-3 days, today i'm not sleepy and tomorrow I will pay.

Went off campus to church.

DC ha ii ten mo aru. ^___^

not eating healthy

today was gorgeous. perfect fall day.

brunch with aliza and wakikaki; shopping with most of the apartment down on M St; church; starbucks for dinner (egg salad sandwich); the metro; home--bounce--library for group meeting, we have a topic now; home, cleaned the bathroom, second dinner, etc.

rice and croissant for breakfast.

food, weather, america, church, sleep, homework, school

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