country hopping

Aug 10, 2006 18:02

in hong kong -- now that I finally get the internet (we're at my mom's friend's house, but everyone else got to use the compy first) I think we're leaving. *sigh*

Japan was fun. Tour was fun, but by the last few days I was just tired. 6:30 wake-up call was just, simply, way too early.
upon spending more time in less cold weather in Kyoto, I like it much better than the first time. I think not having a lingering, body-wracking cough helped a lot.
Osaka may be my fav city in japan, but I would have to spend more time there and maybe visit all the other cities to really decide.

so 5 more days here. Hong Kong is completely different from Tokyo. I like them both.
Hong Kong is so loud. So very much love.
(but the streets are dirtier)
Don't like yum cha, but hongkong style peking duck ftw.

Japan is techinically warmer than HongKong (at the moment), but Hong Kong is so much more humid. Except inside. Which is sub-artic. I was chilly inside Japanese buildings with the aircon going -- I brought a sweater with me places. I brought a sweater with me places in Hongkong. And wish I'd thought to bring a parka. It's freezing. Then I go outside, and my glasses fog up.

6 days, back to internet.
Love from Asia.
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