
Jul 28, 2006 14:42

There's something wrong with my computer. Does anyone know how to fix it?

my family came in today. I was excited to see them, but after an hour+ on the keisei, i didn't want to see anyone if i had the option of just going home and going to bed instead. Of course, i didn't.

turned in the last paper this morning.
finished the reiai soudan clip attached to the end of koki's date. so i'm finally done, done.

lost another 'battle' with kaa-san to pay for food. This doesn't bode well. Dou shiyou? Mom will be not pleased if kaa-san pays tom. night. Maybe we can work out a compromise? Like, one take dinner and the other take lunch?

the end.

ps: i am reminded why I like college every time i get something that's been sitting in my house (in the states) for more than two days. It stinks. It all positively REEKS of cigarette smoke.
honestly. what an awful habit.

tokyo, eigo, japanese, kaa-san-tachi, japan, translation, mi familia, homework

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