what a useless day

Jul 05, 2006 23:04

nebo-chatta. i haven't woken up at noon since, since... probably a good year. Even when i was jetlagged, it was earlier not later. I was still eating breakfast when kaa-san came home with tamaki-san-tachi for lunch. hazukashii >_<

To make up for the past week of cloudy/scattered thundershowers, it POURED today. And then poured some more.

at 3, i had a meeting at school to help out some lx grad student (who, i found out from miharu later, is doing research on finding "alternative teaching methods"). There were supposed to be four of us, but diana never showed. So i got two sheets. It was a basic logic puzzle. The kind where you have 4 people who bought 4 different things (hitori ikkou) for 4 different prices, and you get clues and have to figure who bought what for how much. I love these kinds of puzzles. In fact, i plan to go buy a book of them at the bookstore next time i go. but, at any rate, we did one together as a group to explain the process, then we moved on to the next puzzle. This time, each sheet had a different clue and we weren't allowed to read each other's so we had to work together to finish the puzzle. It was a little hard because it was about baseball, and quite frankly, up until today, I didn't know any baseball terms in Japanese. Now i know how to talk about player's numbers and base hits.

Then we three guinea pigs went for coffee in the caf. Miharu and Daniel are nice folks. I'm glad I went.
Spanish is sexy. the end.
Decided not to go home between school and dinner because campus is a lot closer to shibuya, so I stayed at school and benkyou'd a bit.

then ran to shibuya to meet nihongofrancais and katrinastrife. It's been a long time since I hung out with nihongofrancais. We went to TGIFriday's and had a cute (nameless) waiter with cute english hatsuon. When i was trying to flag him down to get the check (he was discussing something with the people a table over), nihongofrancais said I was lusting over him, so after that I had to imagine him without the pants (so, in a cute little waiter's apron) and consequently without the red and white striped shirt, because it would look funny without pants underneath it.
katrinastrife got and ultimate long island ice tea, which really does taste like ice tea for the first half a second -- then it tastes like alcohol evaporating in your mouth. nihongofrancais got an ultimate strawberry banana daiquiri -- it was cool and refreshing. and I got a mudslide, which is bailey's, kahlua, vodka, and chocolate.

well, back to that damn "school" thing which eats up so much of my time.
I probably really should have just gone to bed yesterday at 10, despite the fact that going to sleep at 10 is against everything i believe in.

food, tokyo, spanish, eigo, japanese, kaa-san-tachi, lx or bastardizations thereof, japan, weather, homework, sleep, school

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