lol why did i write this

Apr 17, 2011 01:11

Title: Cobb's Catchphrase of the Week
Fandom, Pairing: Inception. Team fic, essentially, but implied Arthur/Eames and Cobb/Saito if you squint.
Word Count: 915 words.
Rating: PG.
Summary: Cobb navigates life through the mottos he adopts for the people he cares about. Everyone else just puts up with it, more or less.
Note: I really don't have an excuse for this. Totally cracky. This is me thinking I'm funny, essentially, when I'm not.

(Have you called to kill me? I've been waiting for someone...)

read at your own risk, ok giving up i want inception fic, nikki no baka, pairings i never thought i'd write, ficcage

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