it's that time again!

Mar 31, 2011 21:57

Where I've hit a word-count percentage milestone so I offer you all drabbles to....bump up my wordcount some more? At any rate, tonight I hit 40% of my goal for the year, and tomorrow is April Fool's day. Neither of these things will probably have any impact on the drabble you get.

I will write for: Inception, Merlin, J2, Generation Kill, JE, Gundam Wing, the odd Jdrama maybe. I mightmightmight be able to be bullied into writing for Hawaii 5-0.
♠I'll do slash, femslash, het
♥I'll do any rating
♣I am used to being a pairing whore, but don't always feel comfortable writing every character in a fandom. I'll do my best for you, and if you aren't sure about something, let me know! If I get stuck, I may ask you for alternate pairings/prompts
♦Please leave at least a fandom/character/pairing and a prompt of some sort. Prompts can be anything from a single word, to a scenario you want.

→arthur/eames, post-coital snuggling.
→Duo Maxwell, becomes a famous tap-dancer.
→Kami/Sakamoto, self-indulgences.
→Arthur/Eames, Eames Rides Arthur.
→Yusuf/Eames, Eames is Yusuf's wingman, but then they go home with each other instead.
→Merlin/Gwaine, Arthur Merlin/Gwaine with a side serving of jealous-but-not-sure-how-to-show-it Arthur.

ok giving up i want inception fic, commentfic, gywo, ficcage

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