
Mar 05, 2011 00:35

have hit 30% of my yearly total as of 3/4/11.

errr, anyone want a drabble?

Heero Yuy, Perfect Idol (parte deux)
a snuggle with Arthur & Eames
alternatively, arthur & eames snuggle
chasing away those shots, Toma/Maki
teabagging, Arthur/Eames.

read at your own risk, ok giving up i want inception fic, commentfic, gywo, this is not my fandom (yet), ficcage

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chasing away those shots anamuan March 23 2011, 03:31:29 UTC
i bet you thought i'd forgotten about you

Toma runs into Maki at the bar around the corner from the precinct. It makes sense for her to be there, yeah, since she just graduated from the academy, but Toma didn't think he'd ever catch her there alone. Maki's not a big party person, but she's not a loner; if she's alone, she's probably that way on purpose. That's why he doesn't go over right away.

She sees him though, and waves him over to her table, so he drops his messenger bag on the table top and slides into the chair next to her.

"It's been a while," Toma greets her.

"Yeah, it has," Maki says, flagging down a server. Toma orders a beer, and once it arrives, he turns back to Maki.

"So what's up? You're not a drinking alone type."

Maki sighs, eyes suddenly focused on her mug as she fidgets with it. "I sent everyone home, told them I was fine," she says. She looks up at him suddenly. "I am fine, for the record."

"Ok," Toma says, not about to doubt her. "But you're still sitting here all by yourself."

"No, I'm not," she smiles. "You're here now."


Re: chasing away those shots sinonymity March 23 2011, 04:03:56 UTC
Maki's not a big party person, but she's not a loner; if she's alone, she's probably that way on purpose. That's why he doesn't go over right away.

I love how these two lines alone are so indicative of both Maki and Toma as people. ;O;

*draws little hearts aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall around this*


Re: chasing away those shots anamuan March 23 2011, 04:20:53 UTC
i love toma so much, i think honestly because he's so good at people.

things that didn't make it into the drabble:
-toma has just been hired by a newspaper
-maki had her first case where someone shot at her today. no one got hurt seriously, but it was vaguely traumatic & that's why she's drinking alone.


Re: chasing away those shots tinyangl March 23 2011, 12:27:14 UTC
ASDKFJASLDKFJ Omg, there was uber backstory there! Nikki i LOVE IT. *_____________* ♥♥ I just like the interaction between the two and oh man, if toma's a reporter than I CAN JUST IMAGINE THE SCOOP HE MAY OR MAY NOT GET FROM MAKI. how she may tease him but refrain from something. or when she's frustrated, she lets things slip to him. on purpose idk. i think it'd be a beautiful partnership. :D


Re: chasing away those shots anamuan March 23 2011, 22:30:45 UTC
they'll have a long and beautiful partnership. but later, when they're together, it'll also cause conflict, because maki will catch heat for 'leaking' info to her reporter boyfriend, even if she's not the leak.


Re: chasing away those shots tinyangl March 23 2011, 23:53:35 UTC
That is so true. but toma would be better than that and even though he will undoubtedly never give up his source, whoever it may be--because really, he gave his word--they'll still patch it up somehow. separate work from business.


Re: chasing away those shots anamuan March 24 2011, 02:25:36 UTC
their romance:*:・’゚☆。.:*:・’゚★゚’・:*


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