
Mar 05, 2011 00:35

have hit 30% of my yearly total as of 3/4/11.

errr, anyone want a drabble?

Heero Yuy, Perfect Idol (parte deux)
a snuggle with Arthur & Eames
alternatively, arthur & eames snuggle
chasing away those shots, Toma/Maki
teabagging, Arthur/Eames.

read at your own risk, ok giving up i want inception fic, commentfic, gywo, this is not my fandom (yet), ficcage

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a snuggle with arthur/eames (1/2) anamuan March 8 2011, 01:16:16 UTC
For someone as handsy as Eames, he's remarkably reticent about snuggling. It's not that he dislikes it, so much as it's that he's learned to say away from it. Just in case. Arthur attributes it to the rather more criminal company he keeps. Nothing like a couple of lone sharks in a row to make you a little leery of extraneous touching. Or you know, human company. Only the figurative jackals try to kneecap you.

Arthur, however, needs some serious cuddling in his personal life. He'd once read a study that said humans need something like eight "significant touches" a day to be at their peak emotionally. Good emotional health is intrinsic to maximizing productivity. It makes sense. You can't be on top of your professional game until you've got all your personal shit squared away.

Arthur isn't huge on touching though. He's not a casual hugger, or a back clapper, or whatever it is that more touchy-feely types get off on all the time. He's always liked to keep his physical contact confined to the people he actually likes (which, maybe casual huggers do--it's possibly they just like more people. It's not difficult to genuinely like more people than Arthur does), which decidedly narrows down his significant touch-giver pool.

That's why Arthur has developed a method for snuggling with Eames--all in the name of increased productivity via better emotional health, of course. Eames tells Arthur that's the flimsiest excuse ever, and his 'emotional health' would be better if he admitted to himself he actually does it for the cuddles. Arthur lets Eames think he's confused about his own motivations because Eames is a lot easier to snuggle into submission if he thinks he's got one up on Arthur. Hey, people might not be Arthur's specialty, but he's got Eames down like he's got three post doctorates in the subject. He's certainly put in the study time.

Step One: Take Eames unawares, but don't take him by surprise.

Full frontal cuddle attacks don't work on Eames. He's had a lot of practice dodging them, particularly PDA that isn't an integral part of a con job. "It makes me and whoever's hanging off me a target," Eames had said once, and Arthur can respect that. It makes a lot of sense.

Taking Eames by surprise, of course, is a good way to get sucker punched or a sharp kick to the back of the knee. There was one memorable experience early in their relationship that put two bullet holes in Arthur's apartment wall (and terrified old Mrs. Merryweather next door when two bullets came whizzing by a mere inch above her head and ended up embedding themselves in her kitchen drywall. Only her osteoporosis had saved her from a bullet in the brain.) Eames is a 'maim first, ask questions later' kind of guy when he's surprised.

In terms of practical snuggle application, this means Arthur doesn't try anything when Eames is half asleep (lazy morning snuggling is a no-go, and all post-coital snuggling must commence within the first seven minutes after orgasm, before Eames starts falling asleep) and it generally pays to make a fair amount of noise in the approach--enough that Eames knows he's coming and, importantly, knows he's Arthur.

Step Two: Commence snuggling when Eames is in the middle of a task or otherwise distracted.

Keeping in mind the importance of always following Step One (because Arthur prefers that a significant portion of his daily significant touches don't come in the form of Eames digging a bullet out of his arm and stitching the hole up for him), sidling up to Eames while he's engaged in some task he's unlikely to leave in the middle of is a good way to pin Eames down long enough for a decent snuggle session.

The activity must be necessary, but not particularly important to Eames, preferably one that doesn't require a lot of moving around, for convenience's sake. Painting is a bad activity to try to sneak cuddles during, because Eames's focus is almost entirely taken up with the painting and outside stimuli are irritations. An irritated Eames makes for poor snuggles.


Re: a snuggle with arthur/eames (2/2) anamuan March 8 2011, 01:16:26 UTC
Household chores, on the other hand, are often ideal cuddle opportunities. Doing the dishes, for example, keeps Eames relatively stationary, making it easy for Arthur to slide up behind him and slip his arms around his waist. Dish washing takes relatively little concentration, but does require a certain amount of personal application to finish, so Eames is unlikely to try to divert the cuddling into more amorous activities since he knows he'd just have to go back to finishing the dishes afterward. If Eames has a tendency to get frisky just after finishing the dishes, well, Arthur doesn't have any personal complaints about that.

Cooking dinner is another perfect sneaky cuddle opportunity because Eames is, again, not moving all around and unlikely to stop in the middle to either dislodge Arthur or to initiate sex because then dinner gets burned. That's ten to thirty minutes of uninterrupted snuggle time, depending on what Eames is making. The only down side is that Arthur is sometimes roped into cutting vegetables even though it's not his dinner night.

Arthur is still working on his vacuum-cuddle skills.

Step Three: When in doubt, lie, lie, lie.

This usually takes the form of Arthur 'falling asleep' during a movie on Eames's shoulder. Plausible deniability has always been an asset in Arthur's line of work, and his current full time occupation cuddling Eames is no different. A 'sleeping' Arthur cuddles like a limpet and then disclaims all conscious knowledge or control over it in the future, which makes it very difficult for Eames to effectively prevent future recurrences. Arthur also strenuously denies allegations that Arthur occasionally engages in nuzzling while 'sleeping', head on Eames's shoulder and half-draped across Eames's lap.

Sometimes being a man of dubious moral character has its benefits.


Re: a snuggle with arthur/eames (2/2) bauble March 27 2011, 18:43:39 UTC
Aww, this is very sweet and fun :) I enjoyed it!


Re: a snuggle with arthur/eames (2/2) anamuan March 27 2011, 19:29:26 UTC
aww, thank you! i'm glad you liked it!


Re: a snuggle with arthur/eames (2/2) blissbeans March 28 2011, 04:06:59 UTC
Oh, I feel like there should be a book named "How to Cuddle Your Arthur." And someone should give it to Eames. Maybe he enjoys seeing Arthur's stealth cuddling--all the plans let him work off extra energy. And Eames is so cuddly, who could resist.

I love this line--A 'sleeping' Arthur cuddles like a limpet and then disclaims all conscious knowledge or control over it in the future, which makes it very difficult for Eames to effectively prevent future recurrences.

Cuddle fic is made of win. I would definitely read more.


Re: a snuggle with arthur/eames (2/2) anamuan March 29 2011, 22:47:15 UTC
that would be the cutest book. i hope you prompt that on the kink meme (if you haven't already), because I'd love to read that.

thank you for the sweet comment! I'm glad you enjoyed this.


Re: a snuggle with arthur/eames (1/2) twisted_ream March 8 2011, 14:22:11 UTC
ohhh that was so surgical I I I I just needed a simple simple cuddle fic with no worries.(this was not simple and un-worried but good fic for some else prompt :--------D I'm not being cruel okay)
I hope you don't think too much.
and and and p.s. those are not my a/e(=ooc) :D


Re: a snuggle with arthur/eames (1/2) anamuan March 8 2011, 23:13:47 UTC
I hope you don't think too much.


Re: a snuggle with arthur/eames (1/2) twisted_ream March 8 2011, 23:15:10 UTC
you know, over-think?


Re: a snuggle with arthur/eames (1/2) anamuan March 8 2011, 23:38:22 UTC
i never overthink things <3 i just like to come at things from interesting angles.


Re: a snuggle with arthur/eames (1/2) anamuan March 26 2011, 22:32:25 UTC
lol how are you so *rude*? Sheesh.


Re: a snuggle with arthur/eames (1/2) twisted_ream March 26 2011, 22:36:42 UTC
i was sincere and i was telling the truth at what my ideal fic like that would not be. I could've left out the comment anyway but that would've defeated the purpose


Re: a snuggle with arthur/eames (1/2) anamuan March 27 2011, 00:40:05 UTC
did you see the other snuggle drabble I wrote you, incidentally?


Re: a snuggle with arthur/eames (1/2) twisted_ream March 27 2011, 00:51:04 UTC
yes i did a long time ago, purposefully


Re: a snuggle with arthur/eames (1/2) anamuan March 27 2011, 01:25:29 UTC
ok! just checking, since I wasn't getting LJ notifications at the time, so I figured it was possible you weren't getting them either.


Re: a snuggle with arthur/eames (1/2) anamuan March 27 2011, 00:39:09 UTC
it's cool. no worries.


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