i am with the porning again :Dv

Feb 13, 2011 20:09

Title: I bet it sounds even better when I’m not bleeding out
Fandom, Pairing: Tsurara!Horikita Maki/Kurosaki!Kuroki Meisa
Word Count: 1,591 words.
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Kuroki Meisa is a emotionally scarred hitwoman, who takes out people for cash and con artists to get revenge for her dead family. Horikita Maki is the poor law student who's moved into the apartment next door and is trying to save Kuroki from herself.
Notes: This was written because
sinonymity and I were talking about how awesome it would have been if Kuroki Meisa had been cast as Kurosaki. I bullied her into writing some for me, and then she made me write some on my last drabble meme, and I just kept wanting to write the mid-series porn that would totally have happened if Kuroki Meisa had been playing Kurosaki instead of Yamapi. This is that porn.

The title is taken from a line in one of
weatherfront's wholly unrelated inception fic (which, by the way, go read, because it's amazing, I do not even care if you haven't seen the movie.) and is being repurposed here.

Thanks to
coffeeandice for letting me ficspam her in gmail; and thanks to
sinonymity for inspiring this fic, despite the fact that she will never read it.

(Kuroki finds the zipper on Maki's skirt and pulls it down carefully.)

other people's awesome, read at your own risk, pairings i never thought i'd write, i can't believe i wrote this, this is not my fandom (yet), porn is my new new hobby, ficcage

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