Valentine's Day Inception fic <3

Jan 31, 2011 21:43

Title: Right as the fresshe, rede rose newe, Ayen the somer-sonne coloured is
Fandom, Pairing: Inception, Arthur/Eames
Word Count: 1,769 words.
Rating: PG
Summary: Arthur and Eames do not celebrate Valentine's Day.
Notes: Title taken from Chaucer's Parlement of Foules, which is the first time the various saints valentine and their days are associated with romance. So really, Valentine's Day, Chaucer's fault. :D
Self-beta. Feel free to point out errors.

( "Do you really love Arthur?" Cobb's squint, if anything, actually becomes more intense.)

ok giving up i want inception fic, pairings i never thought i'd write, ficcage

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