
Jun 24, 2010 23:01

work is crazy, and it turns out i don't get overtime, like ever. so the fact that i've got 3+ workdays of 'extra' time right means...exactly nothing, because comp time only carries till the end of the pay period. and i'll be working on proposal shit through the end of the pay period, so, sucks to be me, i guess. except! there is this:

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pimpin', baito, this is not my fandom (yet)

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Comments 3

catskilt June 25 2010, 04:27:34 UTC
no overtime really stinks :| but my theory is that if companies paid overtime, they would go bankrupt because so many people would be doing overtime.


catskilt June 26 2010, 15:34:49 UTC
i mean, maybe they could do a thing where they had to pre-authorize overtime. in general, i understand the concept that we're getting paid to do a job, and that job shouldn't take more than 40 hours a week (also, hell, i don't really want to work more than 40 hours a week). it's just that in this case, i don't have a choice about staying late all the time, and, key in my mind, this isn't my job. or they could give me special dispensation to use my 3 days of comp time later in the year, or something.


anamuan June 26 2010, 15:37:43 UTC
oops; log in fail.


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