this is the best thing ever to happen to me

Jun 16, 2010 22:32

sorry, internet wives. which is actually not knocking you at all, just demonstrating how awesome this is.

Why Eliot Halverson Should Stay Off The Internet, in all its glory. I laughed, like, howled with laughter, so far past face and stomach hurting, reduced to breathless sobs laughed for a good hour and a half. I hate to think about what my neighbours think about all the noise. various pairings, creative insults, random bits in french and russian, pure unadulterated crack, recursivity, fandom at its best.

My favourite may be the speed skaters. Or maybe Plushenko and Yana.

i don't know who half the people are because this is not my fandom ok, mycroftnext I ONLY WISH IT WAS and i need to go google-image pictures or something, but PLEASE, IF EVER YOU LOVED ME. READ THIS FIC.

i even think it's even emchan!safe. that happens like once in a blue moon (ok, probably less). so no excuses!

unrelated: strangely enough, french uncapitalized is recognized by firefox's spell check as ok, but russian uncapitalized is not. maybe because of french fries?

other people's awesome, pimpin', ;jkag;ljkag;lkja, this is not my fandom (yet), my god is an awesome god, please let me live through this week, teh internets = my sanity, unproductive is my tokugi

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