you know what else is paved with good intentions?

Apr 20, 2010 19:46

Apparently, really clutzy nikkis.

Right so. Tuesday nights, I have bible study. Lately I've been skipping a lot, but i know we're breaking for the summer so my recent resolution has been to actually, you know, go. I went last week (go me!) and despite being tired today, finally talked myself out of talking myself out of going.

So I get past the crazy shouting person, and get into the metro. My train's not coming for 8 minutes, plenty of time. And then i fall down the last couple of steps of the escalator to the platform and do something to my ankle and now it won't take my weight. I had to crawl off the bottom of the escalator because i couldn't stand, and it kept trying to eat me.

I call sillyandmorbid, and ask her how I'm supposed to know how serious it is, and what i should do about it. Wise woman that she is, she tells me I should go home instead of going out to bible study and to elevate and ice it. I carefully limp my way to an up escalator, ride it up, get to the station manager, ask for a refund and help out of the metro. Surprisingly, I get both, and instead of just helping me limp to the bottom escalator, he gets me all the way to the back door of my condo, where I can hop one-legged into an elevator.

Now I am icing my ankle, which still won't take my weight (though, ok it hasn't even been 20 minutes yet) with a bag of frozen peas. So, yes.

my life.

nikki is graceful like falling bricks, why aren't you kidding?, nikki no baka, 迷子to iu ka, the jianjian, my god is an awesome god

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