
Jan 05, 2010 21:43

every windy winter day in DC (so like, all of them), i fantasize about moving somewhere warm and muggy.

however! today's winter weather was much improved by meeting acchikocchi, who is visiting. We got dinner at Cafe Asia, and then didn't get coffee at the border's cafe (that was an oversight on our part. borders did not really seem to care). At the end, an ( Read more... )

weather, socializing ftw, with the random, america, eigo

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Comments 12

ginzarhapsody January 6 2010, 04:10:58 UTC
and to think you were once wary of meeting people from online. XD


anamuan January 6 2010, 04:23:40 UTC
well, i think it helps that we've now known each other for years on teh internets. i mean, i suppose it's possible acchikocchi could have been a secret creepy old man, or something, but i feel like it's less likely to happen without any slips in online personae over the course of a couple of years than it is over the course of a few months. (for the record, as you may have guessed, she is not)


acchikocchi January 6 2010, 04:32:44 UTC
*waggles eyebrows* I could have been really cleverly disguised.


anamuan January 6 2010, 04:34:40 UTC
that's true. in which case, you are the best disguise-wearer I have ever met. you should also consider a career in espionage. forget this Hill stuff.


acchikocchi January 6 2010, 04:33:29 UTC
yay! anamuan!!! ♥♥♥


anamuan January 6 2010, 04:34:49 UTC


acchikocchi January 6 2010, 04:38:13 UTC
Let's see, 84.03% of this post is about me/what we did, but only 1.7% is actually me. Hmmm.


anamuan January 6 2010, 04:42:45 UTC
but that 1.7% is the only important part.


acchikocchi January 6 2010, 04:57:00 UTC
You certainly have a way with words.


anamuan January 6 2010, 05:05:04 UTC
this hopefully means i am successfully sweet talking you.


gingifere January 6 2010, 15:00:00 UTC
crying i promise i am not a creepy psychopath so when you come and visit me i won't murder you and bury your body in my garden skdj.

Yay you have a Mer :')


anamuan January 6 2010, 22:39:52 UTC
i was rather counting on the idea that you weren't...

but if you do murder me, please bury me in your garden. better for the flowers. :P


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