"Hopr tiy gyts injoy this" - @sillyandmorbid

Jan 04, 2010 19:30

Was greatly amused by sillyandmorbid's tweets from while she was still sedated from her oral surgery. They're even better than drunk!texts. And apparently they took video for me, since I wasn't there to see her in person.

So, apparently no one wants timestamp drabbles. what would people be more interested in? open for general ficprompts, i guess.

dropped the ball on social activities. the idea of a planner is getting to be appealing, but like the little notebook i keep in my pocket (thanks roundaboutit!) for the purpose, I probably would forget to keep it up to date, which would make it....just about like what i'm doing (and failing at) now, actually.

roundaboutit: Pfft you'd love my zombie ass. You'd leash me and keep me in a shed playing video game like in shaun of the dead

I want jehol reveals to go up! only two more days to wait! any last guesses?

New Year's weekend was low-key and awesome, with mum and my sisters coming in. We played cards through the new year, and mum taught us how to play gong zhu. there was also much snuggling, and my apartment is currently much, much cleaner than before.

maya-morning! your card came today! thank you! it's so pretty! while i'm at it, misao-duo, what you sent also arrived today, but i wasn't home to sign for it, so i won't get it until wednesday. but i am excited anyway!

also, this: wakikaki being awesome, as usual.

other people's awesome, pimpin', nikki no baka, commentfic, 寂しがりやじゃない, annie, mi familia, the jianjian, socializing ftw, teh internets = my sanity, unproductive is my tokugi

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