Summer Lovin' (
part 2)! pin! it's amazing! and mine! and long! and adorable! read it!!
nihongofrancais: dude, she's like my chair too. so her anal will keep me on track when my anal has fail!moments.
The Devil Really Does Wear Prada (links to other parts available at the fic). Sam/Dean, NOT emchan!safe. I guess if this keeps up, i'm going to have to eventually admit to reading spn fic.
So, we've started planning for the all-hands meeting again. which means, well, i've not entirely decided what that will mean other than i want nancy b to diaf and julie can go with her. that was kind of my day yesterday, thanks to them.
example: they submitted linda D (pretty much everyone's boss in our division) for an award, and whether she wins or loses, they want to print up the citation they wrote about how awesome she is, frame it with matteing that everyone can sign, and then give it to her at the all hands. Which is ok, fine. I don't know where they're going to get the money to do this, unless they plan it to be out of their own pockets, because i am pretty sure there is no 'misc. nice gestures fund' in our budget, but whatever. then, discussion, discussion, they've decided now that it would be nice to have a bunch of pictures of people from the office (in the office) put around the edge too. (part of the problem is that nancy's concepts are always so fuzzy. i mean, ok. i get it. planning is more fun than implimenting. the throw ideas out there stage is less tedius than the has to actually do somethingn stage. but i do know that if i want to do something, i might actually have to concern myself reality.) So, discussion amongst themselves finished, nancy turns to me and says brightly, "And you can take the pictures!" And i was so flabberghasted that I actually asked if she was kidding. Because some of us have actual work to do. Some of us might not rate 20 minute meeting slots with the Commissioner, but we have actual jobs that require us to actually show up and not enough free time to pick at trivial aspects of other people's jobs because we're--and this is hard to believe, i know--actually doing our own. Wandering around the office snapping random 'party atmosphere' photos of people (who are, btw, also actually trying to work) is not, and should not be, part of my job, particularly if it's for a side project that someone else out to be spearheading.
I think my sheer incredulity got me out of it this time, with Julie and Nancy assuming i have not enough artistic skill to take digital photos of people in their cubes (though Nancy's excuse for not being to do it herself involved her not knowing how to work a digital camera which is just. well, it's idiotic. if you're going to come up with an excuse, 'i am not tech savvy enough to press a button, just like with old point and shoot cameras that used film' is probably not the way you want to go), and i will do my utmost to keep it that way. We'll see; Nancy has a very convenient memory, wherein she only remembers the things she wants to do, regardless of any other consideration. Last time she had a couple of really crazy ideas for the meeting that julie and i, literally, had to talk her out of every single time.
I really hope life calms down a little mid-november!