5 hours later, and i'm back where i started: yotsuya

May 16, 2006 23:40

so, today. Accidentally turned off my alarm at 5 this morning. which led, unsurprisingly, to me oversleeping. good thing I decided to be a good student and do my japanese homework last night.

lx wa dou datta kana....
nihongo mo, ima made yoku oboenai.
movie on the amish in culture change. it made me natsukashii. because amish country is by my house [hour's drive?], and it was like "oo! i know that town."

stuck around until 5 so i could go with katrinastrife and her friends i didn't know to a turkish restaurant. because, i mean, lamb yo. Worth most anything. And! the food was good. A teensy bit pricy, but not a big surprise after looking at the fancsa (fancy + -sa [morpheme that turns i-adj into nouns]). One of the people who delivered our food had a very nice (manly) silver bracelet on. LAMB! um... turkish coffee is not that wonderful. um... katrinastrife's friends are not scary. um...I put out the candle (accidentally, by playing with it) at the 1st place we tried to get the berry(?) purple beer stuff at. Then we pissed-off the waiter by leaving cause they didn't have any. Shinjuku was a bust too. Tonight was a bad night in terms of beer, i suppose.

But the weather was absolutely wonderful. Cool and humid, but not cold. ^_^
ditched katrinastrife's other friends at the import food store, and ended up getting cocoa in shinjuku eki before walking past kabuki-cho on the way to the other side of the station. We were slightly impressed with the fact that the sleaziness didn't make us pause here, but we'd never consider doing it, say, in NYC. Walking near kabuki-cho, that is, much less consider going in.

got home, and decided we'd sit down to shower because it involved our feet less. That was the royal we, not the plural.

got a letter from annalisa yesterday. it was dated january 4th, 2006, originally. But was probably sent, like, a week ago.

not really looking forward to tomorrow. We'll see how it goes, i guess.

food, tokyo, class, america, japanese, lx or bastardizations thereof, japan, weather, homework

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