i'm afraid that someone else will hear me

Jun 18, 2009 23:31

Yesterday was a good work day.
+I got my year-end evaluation, which came out favourably. I kind of wanted that 'frequently exceeds expectation' (think of an A+) box checked instead of the 'consistently met expectations' (your lowly A) box, mostly because given the criteria to get them, i figure this is my only chance since coming in they had no real expectations of me lol. but oh well, shou ga nai yo ne.
+some HR people came from corporate to talk to us about what HR does, how they can help us in our various roles in the company, which was you know, not necessarily thrilling, but we all got free lunch from au bon pain. which was a) tasty, and b) means the lunch I'd packed for yesterday could go in the fridge, and i wouldn't have to make one today. which got me an extra 10 minutes of sleep. :D
+i finished and turned in that damn report.
   -now i've got to start the next one, or this past month will be my boat again next month, and i really don't like that boat.

After work, I met rocksizedheart, we finished off the first short story in my book, and then covered a section in hers and then went to Asia Cafe to try them out. They were having Kirin something or other (i think it was just their nama biiru) at 2.50 for happy hour, and we both got the tonkatsu (because hey, i am not going to be making it myself). The shredded cabbage came with shredded carrots, and all covered in a sesame sauce, which was mmm delish. The place looks like nothing so much as a cafeteria inside, but one with strange 'modern' art fixtures. The bathroom is interesting though, unisex, with 'gendered' stalls, in so much as a little stick figure on a door matters. There's this big long industrial metal sink that reminds me a lot of outside sinks you'd find in China back in the 90s, so that was a bit randomly natsukashii

After a leisurely dinner (and another beer each), we went and got frozen yogurt at Green...something. lol it's the chain with the green roof, whatever it's called. It's really tasty! I'd never been! Then we went to her place for a little bit, and she very kindly gave me a lift home.

Lol then i showered and collapsed into bed after nearly konking out on the couch

today's big event consisted mostly of taking down the birthday decorations from around my cube (it's amazing how wide-open i feel now. the banners and things across the entrance were kind of annoying in that I had to duck to get in, but they made it feel really cozy) so that we could decorate sherri's office for her birthday.

Somehow it feels mightily like a friday.

food: レストラン, 疲れてるけど, baito, socializing ftw, sleep, japanese, chinese

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