less than a week late = win~

Jun 12, 2009 23:50

LJK;FAEIAJG;KLEAGIEJLAKG roundaboutit LKJA;FEJLK YOUR PRESENT CAME TODAY I AM SO JALKFEIJA;L THANK YOU!! rofl i think i really shall take the note in and hang it up in my cube ♥♥ it makes me happy ♥

jackoweskla Dear NBC, only anamuan cares about hockey. And maybe canada.

So a new commissioner was named, and nikki got roped into helping prepare the briefing folders for her today. it was grunt work, mostly. it's kind of sad how hard i fail at hole-punching.

So last Sunday! After church, I ran to meet up with stillesprite, Tego, Patrick of the Red Hair, and another of stillesprite's friends (...Chris? maybe?) to see Kino-Eye, this silent, b&w soviet film playing at the freer, and then after, to artomatic to check out all the hard work she'd put into Corwin's exhibit. I was running late, and then there was trackwork, so I was later than I planned to be, and also had to eat my caprese salad out of a plastic bag with a spoon, but it was goodtimes. We traipsed to the castle and I ate (also, stillesprite made a tasty variation of her party-sized quiches, and these really awesome cookies) while the others blew bubbles. Patrick of the Red Hair left before the movie, and Tego had to go halfway through. It was...interesting. We had a lot to talk about for a movie we didn't understand at all.

Artomatic was a lot of fun, but kind of yeah, overwhelming. It's just. a lot of different exhibits, with a lot of art, so yeah. We hit a lot of it, but not nearly all of it. I shall have to go back!

Kind of a ghost-town at work today. Mel was out all day, and Sandra left at like, 1:30 or something, so there was me, and then good!Linda on our end, and that was it. Even Erica copped out around noon. I also ended up staying an extra hour, so. yes.

Parents and Annie came down yesterday, and are staying at least through Monday. I'm mostly quite pleased with this :D happy birthday to me~~

nikki: annie's too fly for dad's computer
annie: you know it

if you couldn't tell from my last post, the penguins won the stanley cup and jlkafeiagjldkljiejlagkldj;giejalkdjgiealgealkgea;jigea;gj

other people's awesome, food, penguins penguins penguins, america, food=幸せ, annie, mi familia, baito, quotes without context, socializing ftw, classy shit, unproductive is my tokugi

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