also, my brain doesn't work :D

May 24, 2009 21:30

-had a dream in which my subconcious declared its love for stephen colbert wherein audience members staged a (well, a staged) audience-member strike and protest (in response to a newspiece about a strike/protest somewhere) which included singing in norwegian. I don't think my subconscious knows norwegian, but it thinks it does.

-Boy Named Tustin Read more... )

news, tv, nikki no baka, penguins penguins penguins, idiotic is my new hobby, i hate myself sometimes, why aren't you kidding?, dream, unproductive is my tokugi

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froidaux May 25 2009, 03:00:02 UTC
I feel so bad that I'm surprised Americans are so passionate about hockey. :x


anamuan May 25 2009, 03:18:49 UTC
lol i'm sure not every american is. I've always liked it, ever since I was little (and i just watched for the fights, and occasionally in order to walk in front of the tv to pester my dad XD). also, people from the pittsburgh area are notoriously religious about their sports teams.


froidaux May 25 2009, 03:22:01 UTC
I suppose the area does matter :o I know Torontonians are totally loyal to the Leafs, even though they... well, suck XD


anamuan May 25 2009, 03:25:37 UTC
*nodnod* suck or not, the loyalty and the concern rays are the important parts!


froidaux May 25 2009, 03:26:33 UTC
That's almost poetic!


anamuan May 25 2009, 03:30:01 UTC
rofl except for the part where it flowed not at all.


froidaux May 25 2009, 03:39:50 UTC
poetry doesn't have to flow expect for when it does all the time


anamuan May 25 2009, 03:41:58 UTC
even artfully graceless poetry isn't a match for that awkward stumble


froidaux May 25 2009, 03:43:44 UTC
it certainly has character!


anamuan May 25 2009, 03:51:29 UTC
the kind of shady character you wouldn't want to tangle with in a dark alley at night?


froidaux May 25 2009, 04:08:00 UTC
more like the guy in class who's cool but doesn't know how to show it :(


anamuan May 25 2009, 04:15:27 UTC
like xander! rofl didn't your mama ever tell you it's not nice to lie?


froidaux May 25 2009, 04:22:17 UTC
she might've, she said a lot of things :/


anamuan May 25 2009, 04:28:50 UTC
did any of them involve your awesome awesome of awesome?


froidaux May 25 2009, 14:18:25 UTC
I don't know that that is! :o


anamuan May 25 2009, 15:10:50 UTC
more lies!


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