sleep tight

May 19, 2009 22:55

Bean: ...Nikki, if someone directly asked me about your sex life, I wouldn't know what the devil to say. You're more close-mouthed than a live mollusk.
mycroftnext: I would say "she has three internet wives - one of them the true love of her life, but I am intensely biased on that subject - a fondness for gay porn and is very comfortably a heterosexual virgin." what could possibly make more sense?
...the best part is that they had this conversation through me, not just about me. :\

Today the AC was broken. Not just 'i am not on' broken, but 'i am on full blast, and also i am heat' broken, which was especially bad because usually the office is chilly and i was (as we all were) wearing late-fall type clothing. The rest of the building was fine; just our floor of misery.

I also spent half an hour today entertaining someone who came from offsite to do their new employee training, which is just kind of awkward, because I am not that awesome at small talk for extended periods of time. I mean, couldn't he have brought a book? I have work to do!
Also, he was like I THINK YOU SHOULD WORK FOR THE NATIONAL COUNTER TERRORISM something or other, i don't remember, but i looked at their site and backed away slowly. idk, i think i would be bad at counter-terrorism. it scares me. also! i just got my job, and i happen to like it a lot, why would i want to leave?

THE ANONYMOUS WRITING FEEDBACK MEMEabout this, I really do want to know whatever you think, even if I don't know you. Good things, bad things, inconsequential things, all of it. masturbatory much? yes, probably.

Now, give me my holiday weekend!

疲れてるけど, hoobaloo!!, i am so weak, baito, why aren't you kidding?, quotes without context, weather, unproductive is my tokugi

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